
Are you Mexican or Canadian?

Elevate your career in the US with the TN visa

Are you Mexican or Canadian?

Elevate your career in the US with the TN visa

The dream of many professionals is to achieve success in their careers and challenge their skills in an internationally recognized environment. The United States, as one of the main centers of innovation and development, attracts thousands of talents who yearn for opportunities to expand their professional horizons. Therefore, for those Canadian and Mexican citizens who wish to work temporarily in the United States, the TN visa represents a unique window of opportunity to elevate their careers to new levels.

The TN Visa, created under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), offers an exciting opportunity for those qualified professionals from Canada and Mexico seeking to elevate their career in the United States.

Discover how the TN Visa can open the doors to a professional future full of opportunities.

What are the key requirements to apply for the TN visa?

To qualify for a TN visa, you must be a citizen of Canada or Mexico and work in a profession listed under the NAFTA agreement. The list includes various professions, such as engineers, scientists, teachers, accountants, computer scientists, among others. Each profession has certain requirements and specific studies.

Must have a job offer from a US employer in a NAFTA-eligible profession. The job offer must be temporary in nature and the position must meet the criteria of the TN visa category.

The application process for a TN visa involves several steps. Canadian citizens generally have the option of applying for a TN visa directly at a US port of entry, while Mexican citizens typically need to apply at a US embassy or consulate in Mexico. The applicant must present documentation that demonstrates their qualified abilities and the job offer.

Duration and extensions

TN visas are usually granted for an initial period of up to three years. Extensions may be possible for additional periods of up to three years and there is no maximum limit on the number of extensions.

If you want to know more about the eligibility criteria for the TN visa you can see our non-immigrant visa section Here

What professional careers of Canadians and Mexicans are eligible for the TN visa?

Among the various types of professionals who can apply for admission under this visa are accountants, engineers, lawyers, pharmacists, scientists or teachers. If you are a citizen of Canada or Mexico, your profession meets the established requirements, the position in the United States requires a NAFTA professional, and you have a full or part-time job offer with a US employer, you may be eligible for nonimmigrant TN.

In addition, it is essential that you have the necessary qualifications to practice your profession in the country. Below, we show you the current list of professions eligible for the TN visa:

We show you the current list of professions for the TN visa

It is important to keep in mind that this list is updated regularly, so it is essential to seek expert advice such as that of our legal team at Galer Law Firm.

Benefits of the TN visa

Ease and speed of obtaining

Compared to other work visa categories, the application process for a TN visa is relatively simple and quick, allowing qualified applicants to begin working in the United States in a short time.

Job opportunities in various industries

The list of eligible professions covers a wide range of industries, giving professionals a variety of options to develop their career and experience in the United States.

Renewal and extension

TN visa holders can apply for periodic extensions and renewals, allowing them to extend their stay and continue working in the United States while maintaining their qualified employee status.

Possibility of traveling

TN visa holders can leave and enter the United States for the duration of their visa, allowing them to maintain connections with their home country or travel for personal or professional reasons.

Benefits for family members

Spouses and dependent children of TN visa holders can obtain TD (Trade Dependent) visas to accompany them to the United States. Although dependents cannot work, they can study in the country.

Do you dream of taking your career to the next level and working in the United States? It’s time to make it a reality with the TN Visa!

At Galer Law Firm, we understand your professional goals and aspirations. Therefore, we invite you to start your TN Visa process with our expert immigration legal team.


Países elegibles para el visado H2B

Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Belice, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Costa Rica, Croacia, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Etiopía, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungría, Irlanda, Israel, Jamaica, Japón, Kiribati, Letonia, Lituania, Macedonia, México, Moldavia, Nauru, Países Bajos, Nicaragua, Nueva Zelanda, Noruega, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Perú, Filipinas, Polonia, Rumanía, Samoa, Serbia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Islas Salomón, Sudáfrica, Tonga, Turquía, Tuvalu, Ucrania, Reino Unido, Uruguay y Vanuatu. De estos países, los siguientes fueron designados por primera vez este año: Barbados, Eslovenia, Estonia, Islas Salomón, Hungría, Kiribati, Letonia, Macedonia, Nauru, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu y Vanuatu.

Un nacional de un país que no figure en la lista sólo podrá ser beneficiario de una petición H-2B aprobada si el Secretario de Seguridad Nacional determina que redunda en el interés de los Estados Unidos que ese extranjero sea beneficiario de dicha petición.

Natalia Agustina Gómez


 Con experiencia en Derecho Corporativo, Bancario e Inmigración, ha demostrado una capacidad excepcional para desenvolverse en situaciones complejas, brindando un servicio de alta calidad a sus clientes. Se caracteriza por su enfoque colaborativo, habilidades avanzadas en comunicación y negociación, y una eficaz gestión del tiempo, lo que le ha permitido afrontar desafíos y asumir nuevas responsabilidades con éxito.

A lo largo de su trayectoria, Natalia ha desempeñado roles clave en el ámbito legal, como abogada litigante donde gestionó una variada cartera de juicios en áreas como derecho laboral, civil, comercial, de consumo y fraudes cibernéticos, consolidando su capacidad para manejar casos legales multidisciplinarios y tambien ha ampliado su perspectiva internacional al convertirse en Immigration Paralegal, ayudando a individuos, inversionistas y empresas extranjeras a obtener su estatus legal en EE. UU. a través del proceso EB2-NIW y de Habilidades Excepcionales, elaborando estrategias migratorias exitosas.


Abogada egresada en el año 2016 de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), destacándose por su dedicación y entusiasmo en su carrera profesional