
Green Card through the EB-2 National Interest visa (NIW)

Green Card through the EB-2 National Interest visa (NIW)

The desire to obtain a Green Card or permanent residence in the United States is a common goal for many people around the world, since its attractiveness lies in the numerous opportunities and advantages it offers in terms of quality of life and development in multiple aspects.

In the United States there are two categories for visa programs, these are divided between non-immigrant visas and immigrant visas, the latter offers a wide range of possibilities to obtain permanent residence or Green Card. Today we will talk about one of the most requested: the EB-2 National Interest visa (NIW).


The EB-2 National Interest Visa (NIW) is a special pathway within the EB-2 immigrant visa program in the United States aimed at highly qualified professionals from around the world. This visa offers the opportunity to obtain permanent residency, without the need to have a job offer from a US employer. Rather than relying on an employer, EB-2 NIW applicants can self-sponsor by demonstrating, through a project, that their presence in the United States would benefit the country.

At Galer Law Firm we have represented many people for the approval of their EB2 National Interest visa (NIW), helping them to carry out a successful process and fulfill their dream of settling in the United States.

We invite you to see some tips on our YouTube channel when sending us your resume for a prior evaluation.

The EB-2 NIW National Interest visa, a special option

The EB-2 National Interest Visa stands out because it eliminates the requirement for a job offer and the need for labor certification. Instead, applicants must demonstrate that their presence in the United States would be in the national interest and benefit the country.

This approach is based on the idea that people with significant contributions in their field deserve a special path to permanent residency without traditional requirements. Said contribution can be a project or idea that benefits the United States in areas of interest within the social, environmental, economic, among others. In addition, it must have the characteristics to be replicable.

Educational Requirements and Experience

To qualify for the EB-2 National Interest, applicants must meet certain educational requirements; They may have a master’s degree or advanced degree in their field, whether earned in the United States or abroad. Alternatively, if they have a bachelor’s degree, they should have at least 5 years of progressive experience in their field.

This flexible approach allows a wide range of highly qualified professionals to apply for the EB-2 National Interest Visa, as it is not limited only to those who have obtained advanced degrees.

Ventajas de la EB-2 NIW de Interés Nacional

La Visa EB-2 de Interés Nacional ofrece una serie de ventajas. En primer lugar, la exención de la oferta de trabajo y la certificación laboral simplifican significativamente el proceso.

Una vez aprobada, los titulares de esta visa pueden solicitar la residencia permanente, lo que les permite vivir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos de manera indefinida. También pueden explorar oportunidades laborales y empresariales en el país.

Advantages of the EB-2 NIW of National Interest

Immediate family members of EB-2 National Interest Waiver visa holders, such as spouses and children under 21, can also benefit and apply for derivative visas under E-21 and E-22 statuses, respectively, to accompany the principal visa holder to the United States.

The EB-2 National Interest Waiver visa is an attractive option that opens doors to a wide range of international talent that can contribute to the country. At Galer Law Firm, we guide you through every step of your application process from start to finish.

Remember that the purpose of this email is so that we can determine if you qualify for the EB-2 National Interest visa and is not related to any job offer in the US.

Natalia Agustina Gómez


 Con experiencia en Derecho Corporativo, Bancario e Inmigración, ha demostrado una capacidad excepcional para desenvolverse en situaciones complejas, brindando un servicio de alta calidad a sus clientes. Se caracteriza por su enfoque colaborativo, habilidades avanzadas en comunicación y negociación, y una eficaz gestión del tiempo, lo que le ha permitido afrontar desafíos y asumir nuevas responsabilidades con éxito.

A lo largo de su trayectoria, Natalia ha desempeñado roles clave en el ámbito legal, como abogada litigante donde gestionó una variada cartera de juicios en áreas como derecho laboral, civil, comercial, de consumo y fraudes cibernéticos, consolidando su capacidad para manejar casos legales multidisciplinarios y tambien ha ampliado su perspectiva internacional al convertirse en Immigration Paralegal, ayudando a individuos, inversionistas y empresas extranjeras a obtener su estatus legal en EE. UU. a través del proceso EB2-NIW y de Habilidades Excepcionales, elaborando estrategias migratorias exitosas.


Abogada egresada en el año 2016 de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), destacándose por su dedicación y entusiasmo en su carrera profesional