
How to obtain permanent residence in the USA

with the talent or extraordinary abilities visa (EB-1A)?

How to obtain permanent residence in the USA

with the talent or extraordinary abilities visa (EB-1A)?

The EB-1A Visa is an excellent opportunity for those talented people who stand out in their field of work and wish to establish themselves permanently in the United States to consolidate their careers in this country. For the North American government, it is important that applicants can demonstrate that they have extraordinary abilities in areas such as business, science, education, arts and sports.

 Below, we will provide you with a complete guide to the EB-1A Visa, the eligibility requirements, and the steps necessary to obtain it. If you are a top talent in your field, read on to discover how you can make your dream of living and working in the United States a reality.

What is the purpose of the EB-1A visa?

Its main purpose is to allow highly talented and recognized individuals in their respective fields to live and work permanently in the United States.

The EB-1A Visa is based on the principle that individuals with extraordinary abilities and outstanding achievements can make significant contributions in their areas of expertise, benefiting the U.S. economy and society as a whole. By granting permanent residency to these individuals, the country seeks to attract and retain high-level talent, thus fostering innovation, progress and economic growth.

This visa category is especially attractive because it does not require a specific job offer from a US employer. This means that EB-1A Visa applicants have the freedom to work in the field of their choice, start their own businesses or projects, and actively contribute to the development and advancement of their area of expertise.

Additionally, the EB-1A Visa also gives beneficiaries the ability to include their spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 on the application, allowing them to also obtain permanent residency in the United States.

What are the eligibility requirements?

Foreigners who meet at least 3 of the 10 criteria below are eligible, or who provide evidence of a truly exceptional single achievement, such as a Nobel Prize.

  •  Have obtained minor awards or recognitions of excellence at a national or international level.
  • Belong to associations in the field that demand outstanding achievements from their members.
  • Have published material about the beneficiary in major professional or trade publications or other major media outlets.
  • Evidence that you have judged the work of others, either individually or on a panel.
  • He has made original contributions of a scientific, academic, artistic, sporting or business nature of great importance in his field.
  • He is the author of academic articles in professional publications or comajor commercials or other major media outlets; Have held key or executive positions in recognized organizations or companies; Have had a high salary compared to other peers.
  • In the case of the arts, offer evidence that the work has been exhibited in exhibitions or artistic showcases.
  • Playing a prominent or critical role in distinguished organizations.
  • Evidence that you earn a high salary or other compensation that is significantly high relative to others in the field.
  • Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts.

And although a job offer in the United States is not necessary for this EB-1A Visa process, it must be demonstrated that you will continue working in the field where it is recognized.

Campos elegibles detallados


It covers a wide range of scientific disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering, mathematics, computer science, among others. You must demonstrate significant achievements, patents, scientific advances or innovative research in your area.


It includes fields such as music, dance, theater, cinema, visual arts, photography, literature, design, among others. Here it is important to demonstrate achievements, recognitions or awards that have a significant impact on your industry.


This category refers to people with extraordinary abilities in the field of education, such as outstanding teachers, researchers, or academics. You must demonstrate outstanding achievements in your educational area, such as publications, relevant research, contributions to pedagogy, recognitions or awards.


Especially for entrepreneurs, executives and people with extraordinary negotiation skills. Your achievements must be outstanding in your industry, such as successful business establishment, market impact, significant employment generation, innovative contributions, recognition or awards.


For this category, outstanding athletes and high-performance athletes apply. You must demonstrate outstanding achievements at a national or international level in your sport, such as participation in high-level competitions, medals, records, recognitions or awards.

How do the family members of the EB-1A visa holder benefit?

Immediate family members of an EB-1A Visa holder, including spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21, may be eligible for EB-1A visa benefits.

  •  They will have equal status: This means that they do not need to meet the eligibility requirements individually and can apply for permanent residence in the United States at the same time as the primary holder.
  • They can obtain employment authorization: Both the spouse and children of the EB-1A Visa holder can apply for employment authorization in the United States. This allows them to work legally in the country while in nonimmigrant status.
  • Access to education: The children of the EB-1A Visa holder can enroll in educational institutions in the United States, from elementary schools to higher education institutions, and benefit from the quality and opportunities that the country offers in this regard.
  • No restriction on international travel: Family members of the EB-1A Visa holder can travel in and out of the United States as long as they maintain valid status and have the necessary travel documents, such as a passport and a valid visa.

If your goal is to consolidate your future and professional career in the United States, at Galer Law Firm we support your EB1 visa application process from start to finish.

We believe in your dreams.

Natalia Agustina Gómez


 Con experiencia en Derecho Corporativo, Bancario e Inmigración, ha demostrado una capacidad excepcional para desenvolverse en situaciones complejas, brindando un servicio de alta calidad a sus clientes. Se caracteriza por su enfoque colaborativo, habilidades avanzadas en comunicación y negociación, y una eficaz gestión del tiempo, lo que le ha permitido afrontar desafíos y asumir nuevas responsabilidades con éxito.

A lo largo de su trayectoria, Natalia ha desempeñado roles clave en el ámbito legal, como abogada litigante donde gestionó una variada cartera de juicios en áreas como derecho laboral, civil, comercial, de consumo y fraudes cibernéticos, consolidando su capacidad para manejar casos legales multidisciplinarios y tambien ha ampliado su perspectiva internacional al convertirse en Immigration Paralegal, ayudando a individuos, inversionistas y empresas extranjeras a obtener su estatus legal en EE. UU. a través del proceso EB2-NIW y de Habilidades Excepcionales, elaborando estrategias migratorias exitosas.


Abogada egresada en el año 2016 de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), destacándose por su dedicación y entusiasmo en su carrera profesional