
J-1 Visa Exchange


J-1 Visa Exchange



Exchange visitors

The J1 visa (for exchange visitors) is authorized for those who intend to participate in an approved program for the purpose of teaching, instructing or lecturing, studying, observing, conducting research, consulting, demonstrating special skills, receiving training, or receive postgraduate medical education or training.

In carrying out the responsibilities of the Exchange Visitor Program, the Department of State designates public and private entities to act as exchange sponsors. Therefore, J-1 nonimmigrants are sponsored by an exchange program designated as such by the United States Department of State.

These programs are designed to promote the exchange of people, knowledge and skills, in the fields of education, arts and science.

Some examples of exchange visitors are, among others

  • Professors or interns
  • Research assistants
  • Students
  • Interns
  • Teachers
  • Specialists
  • Babysitters/partners
  • Camp counselors

If you are going to the United States primarily for tourism but want to take a short recreational course that is less than 18 hours per week, you can do so with a visitor visa (B). If your course of study is 18 hours or more per week, you will need a student visa. If you are traveling to the U.S. to attend seminars, conferences, or a study program to earn academic credits, you will need a student visa.

J-1 Visa Visitantes

Application process

J-1 visa application

The U.S. Department of State plays the primary role in administering the J-1 exchange visitor program.

The United States Department of State plays the lead role in administering the J-1 exchange visitor program, so the first step in obtaining a J-1 visa is to submit a Form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status, (previously known as IAP-66). This form will be provided by your sponsoring agency. You should work closely with officials from your sponsoring agency who will assist you in this process. The official who is authorized to issue Form DS-2019 is known as the Responsible Official (RO) or Alternate Responsible Official (ARO). Your RO or ARO will explain to you what documents are necessary to be issued a DS-2019.

Once you have obtained the DS-2019 form, you can apply for a J-1 visa through the US Department of State at a US embassy or consulate. The wait time for an interview appointment for applicants can vary, so it is strongly recommended that you submit your visa application as soon as possible (although you cannot enter the United States with J1 status more than 30 days before start your program).

Proceso de


El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos desempeña el papel principal en la administración del programa de visitantes de intercambio J-1, por lo que el primer paso para obtener un visado J-1 es presentar un Formulario DS-2019, Certificado de Elegibilidad para el Estatus de Visitante de Intercambio, (anteriormente conocido como IAP-66). Este formulario será proporcionado por su agencia patrocinadora. Usted debe trabajar estrechamente con los funcionarios de su organismo patrocinador que le ayudarán en este proceso. El funcionario que está autorizado a expedir el Formulario DS-2019 se conoce como Oficial Responsable (RO) u Oficial Responsable Suplente (ARO). Su RO o ARO le explicará qué documentos son necesarios para que se le emita un DS-2019.

Una vez que haya obtenido el formulario DS-2019, podrá solicitar un visado J-1 a través del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. en una embajada o consulado estadounidense. El tiempo de espera para una cita de entrevista para los solicitantes puede variar, por lo que se recomienda encarecidamente que presente su solicitud de visado lo antes posible (aunque no puede entrar en los Estados Unidos con el estatus J1 más de 30 días antes de que comience su programa).


Some J-1 nonimmigrants enter the United States specifically to work (as a researcher, babysitter, etc.) while others do not. Employment is authorized for J-1 nonimmigrants only under the terms of the exchange program. Please check with your sponsoring agency for more information about any restrictions that may apply to your work in the United States.

Family of J1 visa holders

Your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21, regardless of nationality, are entitled to J-2 classification. Your spouse and children are entitled to work authorization; however, your income cannot be used to support you. For

 Apply for work authorization as a J-2 nonimmigrant, your spouse or child must submit Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization.


Don't postpone your dreams

We support your process of moving to the United States with the appropriate type of visa for your profile. (E1, E2, EB-2, F1, among others)


Don't postpone your dreams

We support your process of moving to the United States with the appropriate type of visa for your profile. (E1, E2, EB-2, F1, among others)

Natalia Agustina Gómez


 Con experiencia en Derecho Corporativo, Bancario e Inmigración, ha demostrado una capacidad excepcional para desenvolverse en situaciones complejas, brindando un servicio de alta calidad a sus clientes. Se caracteriza por su enfoque colaborativo, habilidades avanzadas en comunicación y negociación, y una eficaz gestión del tiempo, lo que le ha permitido afrontar desafíos y asumir nuevas responsabilidades con éxito.

A lo largo de su trayectoria, Natalia ha desempeñado roles clave en el ámbito legal, como abogada litigante donde gestionó una variada cartera de juicios en áreas como derecho laboral, civil, comercial, de consumo y fraudes cibernéticos, consolidando su capacidad para manejar casos legales multidisciplinarios y tambien ha ampliado su perspectiva internacional al convertirse en Immigration Paralegal, ayudando a individuos, inversionistas y empresas extranjeras a obtener su estatus legal en EE. UU. a través del proceso EB2-NIW y de Habilidades Excepcionales, elaborando estrategias migratorias exitosas.


Abogada egresada en el año 2016 de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), destacándose por su dedicación y entusiasmo en su carrera profesional